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What are Nano brows?

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Nano brows are a type enhancement technique that replicates natural looking brows. An electric tattoo pen is used with a special nano needle that draws on individual hair strokes emulating the look of a naturally full eyebrow. This technique creates long lasting results.

PRICE: $700 - $1200 (Master Artist - Elite Artist)


PAIN: 2/10

LASTS UP TO: 2-3 years REFRESH: Every 9-15 months

nano brows process from before brows to freshly done and full
ꜛNano brows right after treatment for blonde brows.

Are Nano brows for you?

Nano brows are great for any skin type. Anyone who is looking to fill large gaps, or even recreate full brows from little to no hair. Clients with 60% or less hair, those with oily skin, and those with sensitive skin are a great fit for this technique.

How is the Nano brow technique done?

Individual hairs are drawn on one-by-one, gradually building the colour with each stroke. The treatment is very gentle on the skin, and causes very little trauma.

ꜛnano brows treatment

How many sessions are needed?

Our packages include two sessions (one initial, and one follow-up). With Nano brows, the strokes lay on the top-most part of the skin. This area is prone to natural exfoliation and thus fading, so multiple sessions may be needed to evenly distribute the pigment. Depending on the client's skin condition and health, additional touch ups may be needed to further saturate the strokes.

How long do Nano brows last?

In total, it can last up to 2-3 years depending on skin type and lifestyle. Common causes of premature fading include regeneration creams, UV light, and natural skin exfoliation. We recommend a refresher every 9-15 months to crisp up the strokes and deepen the colour.

fully healed nano brows. Extremely natural looking
ꜛ healed nano brows treatment

"I'm grateful to you! You gave me my confidence back :)"

What Britt has to say about her experience!

Treatment Preparation

General Healing Process

Aftercare Recommendations

If you have any questions about this fantastic new technique, don't hesitate to reach out to us! Email inquiries may be sent to If you're ready for your brow enhancement, you can book an appointment with one of our talented artists using the link below.


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